Sunday, January 29, 2012


When do you know
 that it is time?
When do you know
 how it will end?
When do you know
 if it will hurt or not?

Life is full of “what if’s”
What if
 it does not work out?
What if
 what you say will ruin it all?
What if
the one you love does not love you in return?

every move you make,
There is no way to know
how it ends.
Only one
 thing is for sure.
God loves you;
 he will always be there for you.

No need
 to question every step.
 in the Lord,
 will guide your feet
will give you the words to say when you have none.

in our eyes,
Full of mistakes,
                worries and questions.
Every move you make,
                right or wrong?
can use for good.

So push
 your fears aside.
in the Lord,
The One
 who is always there,
The One
 who will always love you.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Perfect Two

The smile on her face as she gazes into his eyes
thinking that he is the one for me.
The way they laugh,
knowing exactly what the other is thinking.

Fingers laced together
in a way that no one else's are.
Knowing that they will be together forever.
She sits in his embrace,
it never has to end.

The way they love each other
being there when they need a shoulder,
playing games,
encouraging each other through trials.

Will they be together forever?
Does it matter?
While they are they live the life they have as an adventure.
Never will they forget.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sit Still

As I sit and cry I wonder
Is this the end
Did I do something wrong?
Why is this so hard?

As I sit and cry I gaze
Seeing the nights stars shinning dimly 
Lights flashing by people moving all night long
Where am I?

As I sit here and cry I think about the days to come
Where am I going?
Will I be all I am made to be?
What is left?

As I sit here and cry...

Monday, January 2, 2012

He Will Never Know

Lying along tears streaming down the face
A girl is left alone, no one around
In a world surrounding her with people there is no one around.

The comfort from the one will never come
Known from the beginning it would lead to a slow death
Never tells a word of her hope holds the pain and loneliness inside.

People who care for you surround you
The one who cares for you the most will never know
Never know he is the one bringing you such joy and sadness at the same time.

Hold it in don’t tell
Words will ruin everything
Your true love will pull you apart.

Stay where you are
Move forward
Forget what will never leave you.

Who Knows

Sleep, close your eyes and dream.
Dream of castles in faraway places,
knights in shining armor.
Dream of a prince, waking you with a kiss.

Who is your prince?
Tall dark and handsome,
big broad and sweet.
Dream your prince to be the
            perfect man
Dream, dream, dream.

Imagine the future,
your home, family, life.
Dream of your ideal future,
all you can do is dream.
Sleep, dreams and awake.
Open your eyes to what you could be.
Look at what you can create.

What is Your Dream?

Sleep, close your eyes and dream.
Dream of castles in faraway places,
knights in shining armor.
Dream of a prince, waking you with a kiss.

Who is your prince?
Tall dark and handsome,
big broad and sweet.
Dream your prince to be the
            perfect man
Dream, dream, dream.

Imagine the future,
your home, family, life.
Dream of your ideal future,
all you can do is dream.
Sleep, dreams and awake.
Open your eyes to what you could be.
Look at what you can create.

The Wedding

Too much to do, no time to waste.
Food to be made,
tables to be set,
dresses to put on.

The day is here,
life changing this day is.
You were one now two,
a new life will be made.

Men sit around and converse,
women rush , place the finishing touches.
A cup here,
flowers there,
a bride and groom in place.

The bells ring,
choruses sing.
Dad and daughter
arms embraced
Given away to
the man she loves.

“Dearly beloved”
“With this ring”
“Now you may kiss”
“Pronounced united”
“Till death do us part”

The Storm

pouring down
as tear drops.

Tears of pain,
of sorrow,
drops falling
relief is
pouring down.

Loud thunder
shakes the soul.
Lightening streaks
cut the sky.

The drops fall,
thunder booms,
the soul split.

The Simplicity

The Simplicity,
the life,
beauty in little things.
What is seen by one is passed by another.

A small nick in a piece of wood,
an old rusty lock on a hinge.
The simplicity of life is the beauty.

So often passed by
looked at as ugly, old, deformed,
yet beauty is seen.
Through the eyes little things,
little pieces now seen as art and creativity.

It is the simple and little things making a difference.
The single bee on a flower,
a screw that keeps a marvelous bridge standing,
a hug coming from a friend.

It’s the little things that make a difference.
The simplicity in the world around,
the beauty in the outcasts and the different.
It is the little things.


Lost, alone.
Where is that love? The Joy?
I am a mere piece of dust lost in the world.
Am I alone?
Am I too different to be understood?

Alone, there is nothing, no one,
I am alone.
I feel separated, lost without love.
Is there true love? Happiness? Joy?
Is there any acceptance?

I am lost and alone, a piece of dust surrounded,
surrounded by other dust.
I have so many around me but I do not fit in, I am not equal.
Lost and alone I am.

This Place

Regret sets in, will you always fall back?
No! Don’t go back to this place,
a place of abuse where love feels real.
You always change yourself here,
where are you safe and free?
In this place you lie,
you take their love so that you can feel again.
Unreal happiness is upon you.
Every day you look back, you know it is all a lie.
To feel happy even for a moment even if it is fake,
you feel again.
May the fake love be better than the real?

Open Your Eyes

Open your eyes to a world full of color.
You wish to see a world full of smiles, of hugs and kisses.
Open your eyes.

Open your eyes to the truth a world without color,
blacks, greys and white.
Open your eyes.

Open your eyes life is no fairytale, there may be no happy ending.
Look around, see no color.
Open your eyes.

Open your eyes to the light bright in the sky,
light not hitting the world.
Open your eyes.

Open your eyes to the cold, no warmth,
a cold so deep you feel it in your soul.
Open your eyes.

Open your eyes and see a world without color,
white, grey and black.
Open your eyes.

New Day

As the sun rises we welcome a new day,
a day that has already begun.
The sun was seen before,
by those far away.

The sun awoke them first,
welcoming them to a new day.
A day full of laughter, joy, goodness.
Some welcomed differently,
they awake to the sun, a new morning,
to a day filled with pain, sorrow and strife.

The sun brings the new day.
But you, you choose how to live it.
The choice is yours,
will you be happy or sad?
Will you be grumpy or joyful?
Will you find your day filled with laughter,
or will you find every horrible thing you can?

The sun welcomes a new day,
but you choose who you will do with that new day.


You have killed me.
Cut me open like a hunted animal
tore out my heart for yourself to keep.
Sliced my soul into a million pieces,
is my soul yours to eat like a piece of meat?

You act like I am only yours,
keeping me to yourself, a treasured jewel.
Can you not share?
Be a child in school, share so others can have some too.

I am not yours,
I am my own.
Not nourishment to keep you alive.
Let me go.
Be my own.

will I be your precious jewel.
will I play this game, where only one wins and it is always you.

Learn to life like an animal without enough food,
needing more than one kill to live through the day.
Find another prey.


Movement is upon me,
tremors, seizures, shacking.
The body move suddenly.
Unstoppable am I.

Will the convulsing stop?
Can my body rest now?
Only time can tell me

Movement scares me inside,
fearful of waking up,
being jolted around.
Do I have no control?

Life into a nightmare,
Dreams with constant pain,
nothing one can do.
Alone for no one is
like you, you are alone.
No one knows your pain.

Movement may come upon me,
that movement scares me.


A friend lost,
a friend found:
the old, pain and sorrow
the new, peace and comfort.

Old things go, new ones join:
one a loss, the other a new beginning.
New experiences
new trials,
 a new you.
Not judged on the past,
judged on the now.

No longer a cast out.
New friends,
new ways,
new places,
where you belong,
Trust builds,
friendships form, a new life begins.

Life a Dream?

Eyes are falling, shutting,
these eyes are closing,
sleep is upon you.

You’re asleep
dreaming many dreams.
Dreams of far away places,
friends, family, the make believe.
You are dreaming.

You are happy,
life is good,
but is it just a dream?
Is what you dreamt while you were sleeping
so real that you begin to believe it?
What is real?

Your eyes crack open,
slightly enough to see light pierce through.
It was all a dream,
life is not what it seems,
your life was just a dream.
Is life only a dream?

Just A Seed

A seed,
so small, yet creates beauty.
The rain pours down, down, down;
to bring nourishment,
to this small seed.

A seed that will bring elegance.
a sign of life,
life that is just beginning.

The sprout grows, grows, grows
it is becoming its full potential.
The little sprout grows into its full being.
A flower is formed;
so simple, radiating its beauty,
beauty that is soft, pure.

To the touch the beauty frails.
The petals wither
the stem decays.

One touch and all is lost,
 the beauty
brought by
            just a seed
is gone.

Another seed is left behind,
to form a new beauty,
a new flower.


One After
What was once a single
Will they ever
Her Face.
The girl who is


Remember the sound.
The scream from the other room,
the sound of skin hitting skin with force,
a hand hit the face.

Remember the cries,
running out the door and away.
Will she return?

Remember the scares, the marks,
never will she be the same,
fear has overcome her.

Remember the feeling of conflict.
What can I do?
The fear of separation,
stronger than fear of pain upon another.

Remember those days.
Sitting in a corner not knowing what to say or do.
Can I help? Is it my fault?

Remember the many times.

Escape to be Free

Every day, again, and again
You fall back,
back to the life you once lived,
back to the one who said,
            “I love you”

It is wrong,
but so right.
You say, yell, scream,
            NO. . . NO. . . NO. . .
yet it never stops.

Try and run,
get away.
Somehow he is always there.
You could run for days, weeks
somehow he would always be there. 

Push him away
you try,
he will never leave.
Rejection, pain, sorrow,
nothing, nothing works
nothing to drive him away,
away from you.

Will you ever be free!
Ask for help,
help to get away,
to be free.

Ask for help,
so you can be yourself. Again.
Be free to live.
Be free to find.
Be free to have the one,
who truly says
            “I love you”

Child Like

I believe in happiness,
acting like a kid again is OK.
I believe life is full of opportunities
wanting to be found.
I believe in joy,
in smiles, in laughter.
I believe that is OK to cry.

I believe in tomorrow,
that the sun will rise again.
I believe that there is one who brings
a day of laughter.
I believe in happiness,
in playfulness, having a fun time.
I believe that acting like a kid again is OK.

A Time Has Come

A time has come for change, a time to be free.
Forget about the cares of the world.
A time has some to let go, a time to forget the past.
Find the good in life.
A time has come to be a new, a time to find the one.
Found a perfect one.
A time has come to open up, to admit you are wrong.
Future is ahead, let it all go.
A time has come to be the better one.
Free from your past.

A Time For Change

I am not who I once was.
Smiles have left me,
a live for like is diminished.
I am not who I once was.

The day has come for this to change,
to return to the woman I was.
Go back to the girl who used to laugh, smile, love life.
It is a time for change.

Life has gone by,
day by day by day.
Each day I lost myself,
formed myself for others,
not for me.

Live life for yourself,
repeat that to yourself, repeat it.
Be your own.

I am not who I once was.
The day has come for this to change,
I need to live each day for myself.