Sunday, January 29, 2012


When do you know
 that it is time?
When do you know
 how it will end?
When do you know
 if it will hurt or not?

Life is full of “what if’s”
What if
 it does not work out?
What if
 what you say will ruin it all?
What if
the one you love does not love you in return?

every move you make,
There is no way to know
how it ends.
Only one
 thing is for sure.
God loves you;
 he will always be there for you.

No need
 to question every step.
 in the Lord,
 will guide your feet
will give you the words to say when you have none.

in our eyes,
Full of mistakes,
                worries and questions.
Every move you make,
                right or wrong?
can use for good.

So push
 your fears aside.
in the Lord,
The One
 who is always there,
The One
 who will always love you.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Perfect Two

The smile on her face as she gazes into his eyes
thinking that he is the one for me.
The way they laugh,
knowing exactly what the other is thinking.

Fingers laced together
in a way that no one else's are.
Knowing that they will be together forever.
She sits in his embrace,
it never has to end.

The way they love each other
being there when they need a shoulder,
playing games,
encouraging each other through trials.

Will they be together forever?
Does it matter?
While they are they live the life they have as an adventure.
Never will they forget.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Sit Still

As I sit and cry I wonder
Is this the end
Did I do something wrong?
Why is this so hard?

As I sit and cry I gaze
Seeing the nights stars shinning dimly 
Lights flashing by people moving all night long
Where am I?

As I sit here and cry I think about the days to come
Where am I going?
Will I be all I am made to be?
What is left?

As I sit here and cry...

Monday, January 2, 2012

He Will Never Know

Lying along tears streaming down the face
A girl is left alone, no one around
In a world surrounding her with people there is no one around.

The comfort from the one will never come
Known from the beginning it would lead to a slow death
Never tells a word of her hope holds the pain and loneliness inside.

People who care for you surround you
The one who cares for you the most will never know
Never know he is the one bringing you such joy and sadness at the same time.

Hold it in don’t tell
Words will ruin everything
Your true love will pull you apart.

Stay where you are
Move forward
Forget what will never leave you.

Who Knows

Sleep, close your eyes and dream.
Dream of castles in faraway places,
knights in shining armor.
Dream of a prince, waking you with a kiss.

Who is your prince?
Tall dark and handsome,
big broad and sweet.
Dream your prince to be the
            perfect man
Dream, dream, dream.

Imagine the future,
your home, family, life.
Dream of your ideal future,
all you can do is dream.
Sleep, dreams and awake.
Open your eyes to what you could be.
Look at what you can create.

What is Your Dream?

Sleep, close your eyes and dream.
Dream of castles in faraway places,
knights in shining armor.
Dream of a prince, waking you with a kiss.

Who is your prince?
Tall dark and handsome,
big broad and sweet.
Dream your prince to be the
            perfect man
Dream, dream, dream.

Imagine the future,
your home, family, life.
Dream of your ideal future,
all you can do is dream.
Sleep, dreams and awake.
Open your eyes to what you could be.
Look at what you can create.

The Wedding

Too much to do, no time to waste.
Food to be made,
tables to be set,
dresses to put on.

The day is here,
life changing this day is.
You were one now two,
a new life will be made.

Men sit around and converse,
women rush , place the finishing touches.
A cup here,
flowers there,
a bride and groom in place.

The bells ring,
choruses sing.
Dad and daughter
arms embraced
Given away to
the man she loves.

“Dearly beloved”
“With this ring”
“Now you may kiss”
“Pronounced united”
“Till death do us part”